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How to access an API

Pre-Development Notes

PrecautionsReference Documents
It is recommended to use the SDK of the respective language, instead of calling the native interfaceSDK Quick Start Page
Read the OpenAPI introduction to enable the corresponding serviceHow to enable OpenAPI
Read about OpenAPI access and restrictions in OpenAPI IntroductionOpenAPI's permissions and restrictions
Common Error Codes for finding errors in interface callsCommon Error Codes

REST API documentation convention format

The main format of the server REST API documentation is as follows.

Request Info
Request Example
Response Headers
Response Example
Response Status
Response Status

Request Info

This section introduces the request method and path required to call the API.

  • HTTP URL: The URL of the server API.
  • HTTP Method: The server API only supports HTTP protocol methods, such as GET, POST, etc.


Introduces the request headers, query parameters or request body to be passed to call the API.


Parameters are query parameters by default for GET API, parameters are request bodies by default for not GET API, and the request body format is JSON.

Request Example

Detailed example of calling an interface using the SDK.


  • Response Headers: Returns content header information.
  • Response Example: Returns a text example of the content.
  • Response Status: Interface returns a specific explanation of the status of the content.

API access process

1. Enable OpenAPI service

Refer to Introduction to OpenAPI to enable the corresponding services.

2. Get App Key and Access Token information

Get Access Token, App Key and App Secret on the Developer Website.

Access Token will expires in three months. Token can be reset in Developer Website after expiration. Also token can be refresh through invoking Refresh Token API before token expired.

3. Calculate signature


Most of the content introduced on this page has been fully implemented in our OpenAPI SDK. If you are an SDK user, you can directly ignore the signature authentication part.

This section is intended as a reference for non-SDK users.

After constructing a request based on an corresponding API documentation, call the API directly through the OpenAPI SDK, which will help generate a signature, or create a signature through the following process.

Add X-Api-KeyX-TimestampAuthorization on headers

Set the request parameter header information, and X-Api-Key, Authorization, X-Timestamp will be used in the signature function.

import time
headers = {}
headers['X-Api-Key'] = '${app_key}'
headers['Authorization'] = '${access_token}'
headers['X-Timestamp' = str(time.time()) # Unix Timestamp, eg: 1539095200.123
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8',

Sign requests

The example of signature function:

# signature function on python3
def sign(method, uri, headers, params, body, secret):
ts = headers["X-Timestamp"]
access_token = headers["Authorization"]
app_key = headers["X-Api-Key"]
mtd = method.upper()

canonical_request = mtd + "|" + uri + "|" + params + "|authorization:" + access_token + "\nx-api-key:" + app_key + "\nx-timestamp:" + ts + "\n|authorization;x-api-key;x-timestamp|"

if body != "":
payload_hash = hashlib.sha1(body.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
canonical_request = canonical_request + payload_hash

sign_str = "HMAC-SHA256|" + hashlib.sha1(canonical_request.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
signature ='utf-8'), sign_str.encode('utf-8'), digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
return "HMAC-SHA256 SignedHeaders=authorization;x-api-key;x-timestamp, Signature=" + signature

Sign the request and set the signature in the request header X-Api-Signature.

# request method
method = "POST"
# request path
uri = "/v1/trade/order/submit"
# request params, for example member_id=1&account_channel=2
params = ""
# request body
body = json.dumps({ "order_id": '683615454870679552' })
# signing requests and set signature it on the X-Api-Signature
headers['X-Api-Signature'] = sign(method, uri, headers, params, body, secret)

4. Call API

Use the HTTP client to send signed requests.

API Path

All API paths start with

TIP: You can also use

API Request

The call to the server-side interface needs to be in HTTPS protocol, JSON format, and encoded in UTF-8.

For a test example:

curl -v \
-H "X-Api-Signature: {signature}" -H "X-Api-Key: {AppKey}" \
-H "Authorization: {AccessToken}" -H "X-Timestamp: 1539095200.123"

The method of Get Stock Positions interface is GET and needs to set query parameters. The example is as follows:

curl -v \
-H "X-Api-Signature: {Signature}" -H "X-Api-Key: {AppKey}" \
-H "Authorization: {AccessToken}" -H "X-Timestamp: 1539095200.123"

The method of Submit Order interface is POST and needs to set the request body. The example is as follows:

curl -v -XPOST \
-d '{ "side": "Buy", symbol": "700.HK", "order_type": "LO", "submitted_price": "50", "submitted_quantity": "200", "time_in_force": " Day", remark": "Hello from Shell"}' \
-H "X-Api-Signature: {Signature}" -H "X-Api-Key: {AppKey}" \
-H "Authorization: {AccessToken}" -H "X-Timestamp: 1539095200.123"
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"

API Response

All API corresponding body structures consist of code, message, data. code is the business code, message is the error message, and data is the request result.


HTTP Status follows RESTFull style and code = 0 if the request succeeds, otherwise code will describe the specific error code.

HTTP Status

  • 1xx: Informational – Communicates transfer protocol-level information.
  • 2xx: Success – Indicates that the client's request was accepted successfully.
  • 3xx: Redirection – Indicates that the client must take some additional action in order to complete their request.
  • 4xx: Client Error – This category of error status codes points the finger at clients.
  • 5xx: Server Error – The server takes responsibility for these error status codes.

For example, the response body of a successful request:

"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
// ...

the response body of a failed request:

"code": 403201,
"msg": "signature invalid"

A code demo to call the API

import requests
import json
import time
import hashlib
import hmac

# request information
# request method
method = "POST"
# request path
uri = "/v1/trade/order/submit"
# request params, for example member_id=1&account_channel=2
params = ""
# request body
body = json.dumps({ "order_id": '683615454870679552' })
# request headers
headers = {}
headers['X-Api-Key'] = '${app_key}'
headers['Authorization'] = '${access_token}'
headers['X-Timestamp'] = str(time.time()) # Unix TimeStamp, eg. 1539095200.123
headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

# App Secret
app_secret = "${app_secret}"

## signature function
def sign(method, uri, headers, params, body, secret):
ts = headers["X-Timestamp"]
access_token = headers["Authorization"]
app_key = headers["X-Api-Key"]
mtd = method.upper()
canonical_request = mtd + "|" + uri + "|" + params + "|authorization:" + access_token + "\nx-api-key:" + app_key + "\nx-timestamp:" + ts + "\n|authorization;x-api-key;x-timestamp|"
if body != "":
payload_hash = hashlib.sha1(body.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
canonical_request = canonical_request + payload_hash
sign_str = "HMAC-SHA256|" + hashlib.sha1(canonical_request.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()

signature ='utf-8'), sign_str.encode('utf-8'), digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
return "HMAC-SHA256 SignedHeaders=authorization;x-api-key;x-timestamp, Signature=" + signature

# set signature header
headers['X-Api-Signature'] = sign(method, uri, headers, params, body, app_secret)

# call an API
response = requests.request(method, "" + uri + '?' + params, headers=headers, data=body)
