Unsubscribe Quote
This API is used to unsubscribe quote.
SDK Links
Python |
Rust |
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Node.js |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | string[] | Yes | Security code list, for example: [700.HK] Check rules: The maximum number of symbols that can be passed in each request is 500 |
sub_type | int32[] | Yes | Subscription type list, for example: [1,2] , see SubType |
unsub_all | bool | Yes | Is unsubscribe all. - When symbol is empty, unsubscribe all subscriptions- When symbol is not empty, unsubscribe these all subscriptions of these symbols |
message UnsubscribeRequest {
repeated string symbol = 1;
repeated SubType sub_type = 2;
bool unsub_all = 3;
Request Example
# Unsubscribe Quote
# To subscribe quotes data, please check whether "Developers" - "Quote authority" is correct.
# https://open.longportapp.com/account
# - HK Market - BMP basic quotation is unable to subscribe with WebSocket as it has no real-time quote push.
# - US Market - LV1 Nasdaq Basic (Only Open API).
# Before running, please visit the "Developers" to ensure that the account has the correct quotes authority.
# If you do not have the quotes authority, you can enter "Me - My Quotes - Store" to purchase the authority through the "LongPort" mobile app.
from longport.openapi import QuoteContext, Config, SubType
config = Config.from_env()
ctx = QuoteContext(config)
ctx.subscribe(["700.HK", "AAPL.US"], [SubType.Quote])
ctx.unsubscribe(["AAPL.US"], [SubType.Quote])
message UnsubscribeResponse{
Error Code
Protocol Error Code | Business Error Code | Description | Troubleshooting Suggestions |
3 | 301600 | Invalid request | Invalid request parameters or unpacking request failed |
3 | 301606 | Request rate limit | Reduce the frequency of requests |
7 | 301602 | Server error | Please try again or contact a technician to resolve the issue |
7 | 301600 | Invalue request parameters | Please check the request parameter: sub_type |