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Control commands

Control Commands are basic commands, using for create connection and keep connection alive.

Control Commands:

0close - before server close the connection between client, server will send a close packet
1heartbeat - keep connection alive
2auth - auth connection
3reconnect - use session to auth




Before server close the connection between client, server will send a close packet.

close packet is push type packet, no need response

Cases server will close the connection:

  1. heartbeat timeout
  2. server internal error
  3. server shutdown
  4. client send invalid packet(can't parse by server)
  5. auth failed
  6. session expired when reconnect
  7. duplicate connection have been created

The reason why server close the connection will send by close packet, protobuf defination:

message Close {
enum Code {
HeartbeatTimeout = 0; // Heartbeat timeout
ServerError = 1; // Server internal error
ServerShutdown = 2; // Server shutdown
UnpackError = 3; // Server can't paser client packet
AuthError = 4; // Auth failed
SessExpired = 5; // Session expired
ConnectDuplicate = 6; // create duplicated connection
Code code = 1;
string reason = 2;




Oner peer and send heartbeat to another peer to known health of another peer. Heartbeat do not limit body structure, one peer receive a heartbeat packet, only need send the body back.

Heartbeat not only can keep connection alive, but also can detect latency of the network between two peers. One peer can set current timestamp in heartbeat body, when receive the response, use current timestamp minus timestamp in the body to get lantency of network.

Example of heartbeat body

message Heartbeat {
int64 timestamp = 1;




Client need prove connection is legal. After handshake with server, client send auth packet as first packet.

Auth token can be created through HTTP API

After auth success, server will set session in auth response, client can use the session to reconnect and no need to request a new token.

Auth Request and Response protobuf:

message AuthRequest {
string token = 1;

message AuthResponse {
string session_id = 1;
int64 expires = 2;




After client disconnect from server, client can use session to reconnect to server when session is not expired. After reconnect success, server will set new session in reconnect response body.

Reconnect Request and Response:

message ReconnectRequest {
string session_id = 1;

message ReconnectResponse {
string session_id = 1;
int64 expires = 2;


All control command protobuf definations are opensource in GitHub