Parse Response Packet
One peer need send back a response packet after receiving and handlding request packet.
Packet type is 2
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| type=2|v|g|re.| cmd_code | request_id |
| | status_code | body_len |
| body_len | |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +
| body(by body_len) |
| |
+ nonce(optional) +
| |
| |
+ +
| |
+ signature(optional) +
| |
+ +
| |
Fields Descriptions:
Field | Length in bit | Length in byte | description |
cmd_code | 8 | 1 | Command |
request_id | 32(uint32) | 4 | Request id, need to be same as request packet for pairing |
status | 8(uint8) | 1 | status code: 0 - success; others show in status code table |
body_len | 24(uint32) | 3 | Then length of body in bytes. Max: 16 MB If gzip is enabled, the value is after compress |
body | Variable length, decide by body_len | variable length | body ,max size: 16 MB |
nonce | 64 | 8 | exists when verify is 1 |
signature | 128 | 16 | exists when verify is 1 |
Status Code Table
value | flag | description |
0 | SUCCESS | Success like HTTP status 200 |
1 | SERVER_TIMEOUT | Timeout like HTTP status 408 |
3 | BAD_REQUEST | Bad Request like HTTP 400 |
5 | UNAUTHENTICATED | Unauthorized like HTTP 401 |
7 | SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal server like HTTP 500 |