Get Broker IDs
This API is used to obtain participant IDs data (which can be synchronized once a day).
SDK Links
Python |
Rust |
Go |
Node.js |
Business Command: 16
Request Example
# Get Broker IDs
# Before running, please visit the "Developers to ensure that the account has the correct quotes authority.
# If you do not have the quotes authority, you can enter "Me - My Quotes - Store" to purchase the authority through the "LongPort" mobile app.
from longport.openapi import QuoteContext, Config
config = Config.from_env()
ctx = QuoteContext(config)
resp = ctx.participants()
Response Properties
Name | Type | Description |
participant_broker_numbers | object[] | participant data |
∟ broker_ids | int32[] | broker IDs |
∟ participant_name_cn | string | participant name (zh-CN) |
∟ participant_name_en | string | participant name (en) |
∟ participant_name_hk | string | participant name (zh-HK) |
message ParticipantBrokerIdsResponse {
repeated ParticipantInfo participant_broker_numbers = 1;
message ParticipantInfo {
repeated int32 broker_ids = 1;
string participant_name_cn = 2;
string participant_name_en = 3;
string participant_name_hk = 4;
Response JSON Example
"participant_broker_numbers": [
"broker_ids": [7738, 7739],
"participant_name_cn": "华兴金融 (香港)",
"participant_name_en": "China Renaissance(HK)",
"participant_name_hk": "華興金融 (香港)"
"broker_ids": [6390, 6396, 6398, 6399],
"participant_name_cn": "国信 (香港)",
"participant_name_en": "Guosen(HK)",
"participant_name_hk": "國信 (香港)"
"broker_ids": [3168, 3169],
"participant_name_cn": "泰嘉",
"participant_name_en": "Tiger",
"participant_name_hk": "泰嘉"
Error Code
Proto Error Code | Business Error Code | Descrption | Troubleshooting Suggestions |
3 | 301600 | Invalid request | Invalid request parameters or unpacking request failed |
3 | 301606 | Request rate limit | Reduce the frequency of requests |
7 | 301602 | Server error | Please try again or contact a technician to resolve the issue |