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Get Calculate Indexes Of Securities

This API is used to obtain the calculate indexes of securities.

SDK Links




symbolsstring[]YesSecurity code list, in ticker.region format, for example: [700.HK]

Check rules:
The maximum number of symbols in each request is 500
calc_indexinit32[]YesCalc indexes, for example: [1,2,3], see CalcIndex


message SecurityCalcQuoteRequest {
repeated string symbols = 1;
repeated CalcIndex calc_index = 2;

Request Example

# Get Security Calc Index
# Before running, please visit the "Developers to ensure that the account has the correct quotes authority.
# If you do not have the quotes authority, you can enter "Me - My Quotes - Store" to purchase the authority through the "LongPort" mobile app.


Response Properties

security_calc_indexobject[]Security Index Data
∟ symbolstringSecurity code
∟ last_donestringLatest price
∟ change_valstringChange value
∟ change_ratestringChange ratio (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ volumeint64Volume
∟ turnoverstringTurnover
∟ ytd_change_ratestringYear-to-date change ratio (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ turnover_ratestringTurnover rate (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ total_market_valuestringTotal market value
∟ capital_flowstringCapital flow
∟ amplitudestringAmplitude (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ volume_ratiostringVolume ratio
∟ pe_ttm_ratiostringPE (TTM)
∟ pb_ratiostringPB
∟ dividend_ratio_ttmstringDividend ratio (TTM)
∟ five_day_change_ratestringFive days change ratio (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ ten_day_change_ratestringTen days change ratio (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ half_year_change_ratestringHalf year change ratio (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ five_minutes_change_ratestringFive minutes change ratio (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ expiry_datestringExpirt date
∟ strike_pricestringStrike price
∟ upper_strike_pricestringUpper bound price
∟ lower_strike_pricestringLower bound price
∟ outstanding_qtyint64Outstanding quantity
∟ outstanding_ratiostringOutstanding ratio (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ premiumstringPremium (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ itm_otmstringIn/out of the bound (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ implied_volatilitystringImplied volatility (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ warrant_deltastringWarrant delta
∟ call_pricestringCall price
∟ to_call_pricestringPrice interval from the call price (This field is a ratio field, not include symbol %)
∟ effective_leveragestringEffective leverage
∟ leverage_ratiostringLeverage ratio
∟ conversion_ratiostringConversion ratio
∟ balance_pointstringBreakeven point
∟ open_interestint64Open interest
∟ deltastringDelta
∟ gammastringGamma
∟ thetastringTheta
∟ vegastringVega
∟ rhostringRho


message SecurityCalcIndex {
string symbol = 1;
string last_done = 2;
string change_val = 3;
string change_rate = 4;
int64 volume = 5;
string turnover = 6;
string ytd_change_rate = 7;
string turnover_rate = 8;
string total_market_value = 9;
string capital_flow = 10;
string amplitude = 11;
string volume_ratio = 12;
string pe_ttm_ratio = 13;
string pb_ratio = 14;
string dividend_ratio_ttm = 15;
string five_day_change_rate = 16;
string ten_day_change_rate = 17;
string half_year_change_rate = 18;
string five_minutes_change_rate = 19;
string expiry_date = 20;
string strike_price = 21;
string upper_strike_price = 22;
string lower_strike_price = 23;
int64 outstanding_qty = 24;
string outstanding_ratio = 25;
string premium = 26;
string itm_otm = 27;
string implied_volatility = 28;
string warrant_delta = 29;
string call_price = 30;
string to_call_price = 31;
string effective_leverage = 32;
string leverage_ratio = 33;
string conversion_ratio = 34;
string balance_point = 35;
int64 open_interest = 36;
string delta = 37;
string gamma = 38;
string theta = 39;
string vega = 40;
string rho = 41;

message SecurityCalcQuoteResponse {
repeated SecurityCalcIndex security_calc_index = 1;

Response JSON Example

"securityCalcIndex": [
"symbol": "AAPL.US",
"lastDone": "131.880",
"changeVal": "-5.2500",
"changeRate": "-3.83",
"volume": "122207099",
"turnover": "16269088361.000",
"ytdChangeRate": "-25.63",
"turnoverRate": "0.76",
"totalMarketValue": "2134501670280.00",
"capitalFlow": "14664053535.556",
"amplitude": "2.74",
"volumeRatio": "3.22",
"peTtmRatio": "21.26",
"pbRatio": "31.71",
"dividendRatioTtm": "0.64",
"fiveDayChangeRate": "-9.76",
"tenDayChangeRate": "-11.87",
"halfYearChangeRate": "-7.01",
"fiveMinutesChangeRate": "0.00"
"symbol": "69672.HK",
"lastDone": "0.010",
"changeRate": "0.00",
"expiryDate": "20221024",
"strikePrice": "379.880",
"outstandingQty": "6090000",
"outstandingRatio": "7.61",
"premium": "0.67",
"itmOtm": "0.65",
"callPrice": "375.880",
"toCallPrice": "-100.00",
"leverageRatio": "75.48",
"balancePoint": "374.880"
"symbol": "AAPL220617C137000.US",
"lastDone": "1.17",
"changeVal": "-2.04",
"changeRate": "-63.55",
"volume": "23499",
"turnover": "3903660.00",
"expiryDate": "20220617",
"strikePrice": "137.00",
"premium": "11709.40",
"impliedVolatility": "43.54",
"openInterest": "5210",
"delta": "0.263",
"gamma": "0.043",
"theta": "-1.266",
"vega": "5.660",
"rho": "0.580"
"symbol": "HSI.HK",
"lastDone": "21119.650",
"changeVal": "52.070",
"changeRate": "0.25",
"volume": "96449546281",
"turnover": "96449546281.000",
"ytdChangeRate": "-9.74",
"amplitude": "1.86",
"volumeRatio": "0.59",
"fiveDayChangeRate": "-1.91",
"tenDayChangeRate": "-0.02",
"halfYearChangeRate": "-11.83",
"fiveMinutesChangeRate": "0.00"

Error Code

Protocol Error CodeBusiness Error CodeDescriptionTroubleshooting Suggestions
3301600Invalid requestInvalid request parameters or unpacking request failed
3301606Request rate limitReduce the frequency of requests
7301602Server errorPlease try again or contact a technician to resolve the issue
7301607Too many request symbolsReduce the number of symbols in a request