Get Security Candlesticks
This API is used to obtain the candlestick data of security.
Note: This interface can only retrieve the last 1000 candlesticks. To obtain longer historical data, please visit the interface: Get Security History Candlesticks.
SDK Links
Python |
Rust |
Go |
Node.js |
Business Command: 19
Name | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | string | Yes | Security code, in ticker.region format, for example:700.HK |
period | int32 | Yes | Candlestick period, for example: 1000 , see Period |
count | int32 | Yes | Count of cancdlestick, for example: 100 Check rules: maximum count is 1000 |
adjust_type | int32 | Yes | Adjustment type, for example: 0 , see AdjustType |
message SecurityCandlestickRequest {
string symbol = 1;
Period period = 2;
int32 count = 3;
AdjustType adjust_type = 4;
Request Example
# Get Security Candlesticks
# Before running, please visit the "Developers to ensure that the account has the correct quotes authority.
# If you do not have the quotes authority, you can enter "Me - My Quotes - Store" to purchase the authority through the "LongPort" mobile app.
from longport.openapi import QuoteContext, Config, Period, AdjustType
config = Config.from_env()
ctx = QuoteContext(config)
resp = ctx.candlesticks("700.HK", Period.Day, 10, AdjustType.NoAdjust)
Response Properties
Name | Type | Description |
symbol | string | Security code, for example: AAPL.US |
candlesticks | object[] | Candlestick data |
∟ close | string | Close price |
∟ open | string | Open price |
∟ low | string | Low price |
∟ high | string | High price |
∟ volume | int64 | Volume |
∟ turnover | string | Turnover |
∟ timestamp | int64 | Timestamp |
message SecurityCandlestickResponse {
string symbol = 1;
repeated Candlestick candlesticks = 2;
message Candlestick {
string close = 1;
string open = 2;
string low = 3;
string high = 4;
int64 volume = 5;
string turnover = 6;
int64 timestamp = 7;
Response JSON Example
"symbol": "700.HK",
"candlesticks": [
"close": "362.000",
"open": "364.600",
"low": "361.600",
"high": "368.800",
"volume": 10853604,
"turnover": "3954556819.000",
"timestamp": 1650384000
"close": "348.000",
"open": "352.000",
"low": "343.000",
"high": "356.200",
"volume": 25738562,
"turnover": "8981529950.000",
"timestamp": 1650470400
"close": "340.600",
"open": "334.800",
"low": "334.200",
"high": "343.000",
"volume": 28031299,
"turnover": "9492674293.000",
"timestamp": 1650556800
"close": "327.400",
"open": "332.200",
"low": "325.200",
"high": "338.600",
"volume": 25788422,
"turnover": "8541441823.000",
"timestamp": 1650816000
"close": "335.800",
"open": "332.200",
"low": "330.600",
"high": "341.600",
"volume": 27288328,
"turnover": "9166022626.000",
"timestamp": 1650902400
Error Code
Protocol Error Code | Business Error Code | Description | Troubleshooting Suggestions |
3 | 301600 | Invalid request | Invalid request parameters or unpacking request failed |
3 | 301606 | Request rate limit | Reduce the frequency of requests |
7 | 301602 | Server error | Please try again or contact a technician to resolve the issue |
7 | 301600 | Invalue request parameters | Please check the request parameter: symbol , count , adjust_type , period |
7 | 301603 | No quotes | Security no quote |
7 | 301604 | No access | No access to security quote |
7 | 301607 | Too many candlesticks requeted | Reduce the amount of candlestick in each request |