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Get Security History Candlesticks

This API is used to obtain the history candlestick data of security.

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symbolstringYesSecurity code, in ticker.region format, for example:700.HK
periodint32YesCandlestick period, for example: 1000, see Period
adjust_typeint32YesAdjustment type, for example: 0, see AdjustType
query_typeint32YesType of query

Optional value:
1 - query by offset
2 - query by date
date_requestobjectNoRequired when querying by date
∟ start_datestringNoDate of query begin, in YYYYMMDD format, for example: 20231016

Parameter description:
1. Leave both start_date and end_date blank: return the latest 1000 candlesticks;
2. Fill only start_date: return the candlesticks between start_date and the latest trading day. If there are more than 1000 candlesticks in this interval, the candlesticks close to start_date will be returned first;
3. Fill in only end_date: return end_date and the previous 1000 candlesticks;
4. Fill in both start_date and end_date: return candlesticks data within this interval. If there are more than 1000 candlesticks in the interval, the candlesticks close to end_date will be returned first.
∟ end_datestringNoDate of query end, in YYYYMMDD format, for example: 20231016
offset_requestobjectNoRequired when querying by offset
∟ directionint32YesQuery direction

Optional value:
0 - query in the direction of historical data
1 - query in the direction of latest data
∟ datestringNoQuery date, in YYYYMMDD format, for example: 20231016. Default value: latest trading day of the underlying market.
∟ minutestringNoQuery time, in HHMM format, for example: 09:35, only valid when querying minute-level data
∟ countint32NoCount of cancdlestick, valid range:[1,1000]. Default value: 10


message SecurityHistoryCandlestickRequest {

message OffsetQuery {
Direction direction = 1;
string date = 2;
string minute = 3;
int32 count = 4;

message DateQuery {
string start_date = 1;
string end_date = 2;

string symbol = 1;
Period period = 2;
AdjustType adjust_type = 3;
HistoryCandlestickQueryType query_type = 4;
OffsetQuery offset_request = 5;
DateQuery date_request = 6;

Request Example

# Get Security History Candlesticks
# Before running, please visit the "Developers to ensure that the account has the correct quotes authority.
# If you do not have the quotes authority, you can enter "Me - My Quotes - Store" to purchase the authority through the "LongPort" mobile app.
from datetime import datetime, date
from longport.openapi import QuoteContext, Config, Period, AdjustType

config = Config.from_env()
ctx = QuoteContext(config)

# Query after 2023-01-01
resp = ctx.history_candlesticks_by_offset("700.HK", Period.Day, AdjustType.NoAdjust, True, 10, datetime(2023, 1, 1))

# Query before 2023-01-01
resp = ctx.history_candlesticks_by_offset("700.HK", Period.Day, AdjustType.NoAdjust, False, 10, datetime(2023, 1, 1))

# Query 2023-01-01 to 2023-02-01
resp = ctx.history_candlesticks_by_date("700.HK", Period.Day, AdjustType.NoAdjust, date(2023, 1, 1), date(2023, 2, 1))


Response Properties

symbolstringSecurity code, for example: AAPL.US
candlesticksobject[]Candlestick data
∟ closestringClose price
∟ openstringOpen price
∟ lowstringLow price
∟ highstringHigh price
∟ volumeint64Volume
∟ turnoverstringTurnover
∟ timestampint64Timestamp


message SecurityCandlestickResponse {
string symbol = 1;
repeated Candlestick candlesticks = 2;

message Candlestick {
string close = 1;
string open = 2;
string low = 3;
string high = 4;
int64 volume = 5;
string turnover = 6;
int64 timestamp = 7;

Response JSON Example

"symbol": "700.HK",
"candlesticks": [
"close": "362.000",
"open": "364.600",
"low": "361.600",
"high": "368.800",
"volume": 10853604,
"turnover": "3954556819.000",
"timestamp": 1650384000
"close": "348.000",
"open": "352.000",
"low": "343.000",
"high": "356.200",
"volume": 25738562,
"turnover": "8981529950.000",
"timestamp": 1650470400
"close": "340.600",
"open": "334.800",
"low": "334.200",
"high": "343.000",
"volume": 28031299,
"turnover": "9492674293.000",
"timestamp": 1650556800
"close": "327.400",
"open": "332.200",
"low": "325.200",
"high": "338.600",
"volume": 25788422,
"turnover": "8541441823.000",
"timestamp": 1650816000
"close": "335.800",
"open": "332.200",
"low": "330.600",
"high": "341.600",
"volume": 27288328,
"turnover": "9166022626.000",
"timestamp": 1650902400

Permission description

According to the user’s assets and transactions, the number of targets that different types of users can query historical data on each month is as follows:

  • The quota is calculated based on the natural month. The quota is topped up at the beginning of each month. The remaining quota from the previous month will not be accumulated to this month. If you repeatedly request the historical K-line of the same target within a natural month, it will only be counted once.
  • For newly deposited accounts, the limit will automatically take effect on the next trading day; when the account's total assets or number of transactions increase and reaches a higher level, the limit will take effect on the next trading day.
  • Total assets: The total assets of the user's Hong Kong stocks, U.S. stocks, A-shares and other securities accounts are converted into Hong Kong dollars according to the exchange rate. Take the larger value of the user's total assets on the last trading day of the previous calendar month and the total assets on the most recent complete trading day.
  • Number of transactions per month: The number of orders that the user has completed. Partial completion of one order, complete completion of multiple transactions, or all transactions at one time are counted as 1 transaction. Take the larger value of the user's number of transactions in the last natural month and the number of transactions in the current natural month.
User TypeThe maximum number of targets that can be queried per month
User account opening
Total assets reach HKD 10,000
Total assets reach HKD 80,000
Total assets reach 400,000 HKD or the number of transactions per month is greater than 160
Total assets reach 4 million HKD or the number of transactions per month is greater than 1,600
Total assets reach 6 million HKD or the number of transactions per month is greater than 2,500

Description of historical candlesticks range

MarketDaily/Weekly/Monthly/Year period candlesticksMinute candlesticksDescription
Hong Kong stocks2004-6-1 to present2022-09-28 to present
U.S. stocks2010-6-1 to present2023-12-4 to present
U.S. stock options--U.S. stock options historical data is currently not supported, and data for longer periods will be released later
A shares1999-11-1 to present2022-08-25 to present

Rate limite

  • The api can be requested up to 60 times every 30 seconds.

Error Code

Protocol Error CodeBusiness Error CodeDescriptionTroubleshooting Suggestions
3301600Invalid requestInvalid request parameters or unpacking request failed
3301606Request rate limitReduce the frequency of requests
7301602Server errorPlease try again or contact a technician to resolve the issue
7301600Invalue request parametersPlease check the request parameter: symbol, count, adjust_type, period
7301603No quotesSecurity no quote
7301604No accessNo access to security quote
7301607Permission limitExceeds the upper limit of the number of targets that can be queried in the current month