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Push Real-time Depth

Real-time depth data push of the subscribed security.

Data Format


symbolstringSecurity code, for example: AAPL.US
sequenceint64Sequence number
askobject[]Ask depth
∟ positionint32Position
∟ pricestringPrice
∟ volumeint64Volume
∟ order_numint64Number of orders
bidobject[]Bid depth
∟ positionint32Position
∟ pricestringPrice
∟ volumeint64Volume
∟ order_numint64Number of orders


message PushDepth {
string symbol = 1;
int64 sequence = 2;
repeated Depth ask = 3;
repeated Depth bid = 4;

message Depth {
int32 position = 1;
string price = 2;
int64 volume = 3;
int64 order_num = 4;


# Push Real-time Depth
# To subscribe quotes data, please check whether "Developers" - "Quote authority" is correct.
# - HK Market - BMP basic quotation is unable to subscribe with WebSocket as it has no real-time quote push.
# - US Market - LV1 Nasdaq Basic (Only Open API).
# Before running, please visit the "Developers" to ensure that the account has the correct quotes authority.
# If you do not have the quotes authority, you can enter "Me - My Quotes - Store" to purchase the authority through the "LongPort" mobile app.
from time import sleep
from longport.openapi import QuoteContext, Config, SubType, PushDepth

def on_depth(symbol: str, event: PushDepth):
print(symbol, event)

config = Config.from_env()
ctx = QuoteContext(config)

ctx.subscribe(["700.HK", "AAPL.US"], [SubType.Depth], is_first_push=True)

JSON Example

"symbol": "700.HK",
"sequence": 160808750000000,
"ask": [
"position": 1,
"price": "335.000",
"volume": 500,
"order_num": 1
"position": 2,
"price": "335.200",
"volume": 400,
"order_num": 1
"position": 3,
"price": "335.400",
"volume": 500,
"order_num": 2
"position": 4,
"price": "335.600",
"volume": 1200,
"order_num": 3
"position": 5,
"price": "335.800",
"volume": 14000,
"order_num": 8
"bid": [
"position": 1,
"price": "334.800",
"volume": 69400,
"order_num": 13
"position": 2,
"price": "334.600",
"volume": 266600,
"order_num": 27
"position": 3,
"price": "334.400",
"volume": 61300,
"order_num": 29
"position": 4,
"price": "334.200",
"volume": 125900,
"order_num": 31
"position": 5,
"price": "334.000",
"volume": 194600,
"order_num": 94