Get History Order
This API is used to get history order.
SDK Links
Python |
Rust |
Go |
Node.js |
HTTP Method | GET |
HTTP URL | /v1/trade/order/history |
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Name | Type | Required | Description |
symbol | string | NO | Stock symbol, use ticker.region format, example: AAPL.US |
status | string[] | NO | Order status example: status=FilledStatus&status=NewStatus |
side | string | NO | Order side Enum Value: Buy Sell |
market | string | NO | Market Enum Value: US - United States of America MarketHK - Hong Kong Market |
start_at | string | NO | Start time, formatted as a timestamp (second), example: 1650410999 .If the start time is null, the default is the 90 days before of the end time or 90 days before of the current time. |
end_at | string | NO | End time, formatted as a timestamp (second), example: 1650410999 . If the end time is null, the default is the current time or 90 days after of the start time. |
Request Example
from datetime import datetime
from longport.openapi import TradeContext, Config, OrderStatus, OrderSide, Market
config = Config.from_env()
ctx = TradeContext(config)
resp = ctx.history_orders(
symbol = "700.HK",
status = [OrderStatus.Filled, OrderStatus.New],
side = OrderSide.Buy,
market = Market.HK,
start_at = datetime(2022, 5, 9),
end_at = datetime(2022, 5, 12),
Response Headers
- Content-Type: application/json
Response Example
"code": 0,
"message": "success",
"data": {
"orders": [
"currency": "HKD",
"executed_price": "0.000",
"executed_quantity": "0",
"expire_date": "",
"last_done": "",
"limit_offset": "",
"msg": "",
"order_id": "706388312699592704",
"order_type": "ELO",
"outside_rth": "UnknownOutsideRth",
"price": "11.900",
"quantity": "200",
"side": "Buy",
"status": "RejectedStatus",
"stock_name": "Bank of East Asia Ltd/The",
"submitted_at": "1651644897",
"symbol": "23.HK",
"tag": "Normal",
"time_in_force": "Day",
"trailing_amount": "",
"trailing_percent": "",
"trigger_at": "0",
"trigger_price": "",
"trigger_status": "NOT_USED",
"updated_at": "1651644898",
"remark": ""
Response Status
Status | Description | Schema |
200 | Get History Orders Success | history_orders_rsp |
400 | The query failed with an error in the request parameter. | None |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
has_more | boolean | true | has more orders record. The maximum number of orders per query is 1000, if the number of results exceeds 1000, then has_more will be true |
orders | object[] | false | Order Detail |
∟ order_id | string | true | Order ID |
∟ status | string | true | Order Status |
∟ stock_name | string | true | Stock Name |
∟ quantity | string | true | Submitted Quantity |
∟ executed_quantity | string | true | Executed Quantity. when the order is not filled, value is 0 |
∟ price | string | true | Submitted Price. when market condition order is not triggered, value is empty string |
∟ executed_price | string | true | Executed Price. when the order is not filled, value is 0 |
∟ submitted_at | string | true | Submitted Time |
∟ side | string | true | Order Side Enum Value: Buy Sell |
∟ symbol | string | true | Stock symbol, use ticker.region format, example: AAPL.US |
∟ order_type | string | true | Order Type |
∟ last_done | string | true | Last done. when the order is not filled, value is empty string |
∟ trigger_price | string | true | LIT / MIT Order Trigger Price.When the order is not LIT / MIT order, value is empty string |
∟ msg | string | true | Rejected message or remark, default value is empty string. |
∟ tag | string | true | Order tag Enum Value Normal - Normal OrderGTC - Long term OrderGrey - Grey Order |
∟ time_in_force | string | true | Time in force Type Enum Value: Day - Day OrderGTC - Good Til Canceled OrderGTD - Good Til Date Order |
∟ expire_date | string | true | Long term order expire date, format: YYYY-MM-DD , example: 2022-12-05 .When not a long term order, default value is empty string |
∟ updated_at | string | true | Last updated time, formatted as a timestamp (second) |
∟ trigger_at | string | true | Conditional order trigger time. formatted as a timestamp (second) |
∟ trailing_amount | string | true | TSLPAMT order trailing amount.When the order is not TSLPAMT order, value is empty string |
∟ trailing_percent | string | true | TSLPPCT order trailing percent.When the order is not TSLPPCT order, value is empty string |
∟ limit_offset | string | true | TSLPPCT order limit offset amount.When the order is not TSLPPCT order, value is empty string |
∟ trigger_status | string | true | Conditional Order Trigger Status When an order is not a conditional order or a conditional order is not triggered, the trigger status is NOT_USED Enum Value NOT_USED DEACTIVE ACTIVE RELEASED |
∟ currency | string | true | Currency |
∟ outside_rth | string | true | Enable or disable outside regular trading hours Default is UnknownOutsideRth when the order is not a US stockEnum Value: RTH_ONLY - Regular trading hour onlyANY_TIME - Any timeOVERNIGHT - Overnight" |
∟ remark | string | true | Remark |